
How to wear Monochrome this season

Monochrome dressing is one of the easiest colour combinations to follow and a trend everyone can pull off with minimal effort. The great news is that we will all probably have the basis of a monochrome outfit in our wardrobes already; think black jeans, black or white blazer and a white shirt and you’re already halfway there.

But Monochrome is far from boring, it’s timeless, and this is the reason for it remaining a firm favourite for street style and celebrities alike. Following the release of the luxurious ‘Designeresque’ collection, Alice Hall, Owner and Creative Director at Pink Boutique, has put together her advice on how to wear this classic trend and give it an A/W 19 update.

For work

Soft tailoring create creates a smart but glam look for the office. The classic white shirt has been given a revamp this season and I’d recommend looking out for shirts with oversized bows, exaggerated sleeves and dipped hemlines to be on-trend. Power dressing is back and statement shirts should be paired with tapered trousers and fitted skirts to create a tailored silhouette.

Utterly Frilling White Long Sleeve Frill Shirt, £27


Off-duty monochrome styling is about minimal effort but maximum glamour. Use your staple pair of black skinny jeans or PU pants as the basis for a chic winter outfit featuring monochrome knitwear and jackets. It’s all in the detail with knitwear and jackets this season, as pearl buttons, collars and diamante trims add expensive details to core wardrobe items. The white-heeled ankle boots are one of the most coveted pieces this season and work best paired with black jeans or a monochrome mini dress and style with a red baker boy hat for a Parisian touch.

Night out with the girls

We all want to look our hottest on a night out with girls and so I’d use a monochrome outfit to create a sophisticated, sexy silhouette. Colour blocking works well for this occasion, so you could use either an all-black dress or jumpsuit with white accessories or an all-white dress or jumpsuit with black accessories. Red lipstick and gold accessories such as a metallic belt or bag will make any all black or white outfit pop. Most importantly, finish your look with a pair of killer heels in either black, white or nude to add some sass to your strut.

Supermodel Black Gold Button Detail Sleeveless Mini Dress, £27

For an occasion

Christmas party season is just around the corner and some of us will have formal dinners or black-tie events to attend. For black-tie events, black or white sequin dresses or a classic little black dress are timeless pieces that will ensure sophistication. Choose a cocktail style for youthful glamour and a longer dress for elevation and formality.


The accessories you wear as part of a monochrome outfit are limitless. If you want to stick to the palette, black or white heels and clutch backs will keep your outfit minimal and classic. But if you want to create a statement by adding a pop of colour to your look then add this season’s hottest colour, red, for an extra bit of sass. A red lip, handbag or heels will turn up the heat on any black and white look. If you’re not feeling quite as brave, opt for gold or metallics instead to add a touch of luxe.

View the rest of the Designeresque collection from Pink Boutique here.