Parent & Baby Awards 2022

Page 4 LUXLife Parent & Baby Awards 2022 Jul22633 The Asociace jihočeských rodin z.s. is a nonprofit organisation handling the provision of care services for children of preschool age, developing sports and cultural awareness on behalf of the families whose children become their service users. Nominally, it wishes to help families have access to all the relevant resources, education, and professional aid that they could possibly need in order to raise children who will thrive in a contemporary world, but still carry a deep knowledge of and respect for their own culture. Making itself the backbone of divorced parents, single parents, foster parents, parents with children under the age of 6, and others in the diverse world of raising today’s youth, it encourages the children who come into its fold to grow into forward-thinking, adaptive, and future-ready young people. Fundamentally, it fosters their curiosity about the world and their place within it, encouraging their hankering for learning. This increases their future employability, giving them access to a great deal of independent learning and teambuilding skills that will blossom into skills perfect for a modern working environment, ensuring that they will leave school with a Supporting families in the southern territories of Bohemia, Asociace jihočeských rodin z.s. is an all-round and sustainable non-profit association. With the name translating to the ‘Assocation of South Bohemian Families’, its team of diligent and empathetic people work hard to provide those all over the region – especially in the city of Písek, Vimperk, Strakonice, Kestřany and Heřmaň – with the childcare support network that they need in order to raise happy, healthy children with bright futures. Asociace jihočeských rodin z.s. Best Children’s Technical Education Provider - Czech Republic