LUXlife Pet Product & Services Awards 2018

Page 20 LUX 2018 Pet Product & Services Awards Katzenworld was created around four years ago by a small band of cat enthusiasts who wanted to share their love of cats with a wider audience. Naturally they turned to the internet but were disappointed that many sites listed under ‘Pets’ were in fact all about the other furry four-legged friends; dogs. As such, the founders noticed a gap in the market and decided to create a blog entirely dedicated to cats. In the beginning, they setup a simple web based blog to post pictures and amusing stories about their own four cats; Oliver, Nubia Snowball and Mau. They soon realised that there was also a demand for a space for people reading the blog to share their own experiences. This is at the core of Katzenworld and what sets it apart from many other pet blogs; everyone could both consume and produce content. At that time readers began asking them questions about cat health and wellbeing which lead to the collaborations between Katzenworld and trusted organisations in the sector such as International Cat Care (ICatCare). Not content with online interaction, Katzenworld decided to look for new ways to engage with the public. Having previously been approached by a Pet Show organiser regarding event promotion, they were invited to attend. Rather than simply promoting their blog, they approached a Germany company called 4Cats who’s products they had previously to see they could supply some toys to help them engage with show visitors. The content shared on social media by these visitors showed that the toys proved very popular with customers’ cats. As such, Katzenworld began a successful collaboration with the company to launch a range of toys in the UK. Today, as part of its dedication to ensuring that it continues to grow and provide users with the content they need, Katzenworld closely monitors trends and changes in the Katzenworld is a blog dedicated to providing support, insight and information for cat owners. We profile this unique platform to learn more and explore the secrets behind its incredible success. Katzenworld Best Online Cat Information Platform 2018