Every day we are bombarded with portrayals of confident people on social media, but to the viewer, confidence seems like a fleeting sensation and something that’s more of a dream, than an achievable feat. However, there are things you can do to appear more confident, but keep in mind that it takes determination to keep moving towards your goal. You need to work on your thoughts as well as on your body. In this article, we are sharing some smart, but easy tips to get you started on this journey to a better and more confident “you”.

Woman in bra

Having Self-love is Everything!

Although people often believe that confidence starts on the outside, it is more of an intrinsic trait and has to start from within. Self-love is the foundation on which you will build your confident self. When we are working with psychological variables, like “confidence”, one of the most important aspects is being comfortable within your skin. Once you achieve that level of comfort, you are able to face the world without blinking an eye. For this to happen, you need to have self-compassion.

Self-love or compassion comes from positive thoughts. You need to surround yourself with positivity and be able to confidently go out there and challenge the world. You have to believe that you are exceptional and one of a kind, before your body and mind can follow suit. When you believe in your “uniqueness” and practice all other components of the path to self-love, you will see that doors to further positivity open up swiftly for you. 

Avoid Toxic People

You do not need validation from toxic “others” to feel good or comfortable about yourself. Feeling more confident in your body starts with shoving toxic people out of your life. People who can’t accept a healthy body image ideal and constantly nag you for being insufficient are nothing less than a burden. They will never let you feel at peace in your own skin. To practice self-compassion, ensure that you have a positive social circle that can support this vibe. 

Care For Your Physical Health

You may call it stereotyping, but weight loss does give you the confidence you had been lacking previously. When you are making efforts to keep your body healthy, your body releases endorphins that create a state of happiness and mental peace. When your mind is at peace, you feel naturally confident. Furthermore, it gives you a sense of control over your body and accomplishment in your life. 

This also happens when you eat healthily. Remember, you are what you eat. When you eat healthily and take care of your body, eventually, it will return the favour.  Weight loss seems like a daunting task, but Exipure results have shown remarkable weight loss among people, who had lost all hope of losing weight. It doesn’t have to be exhausting or overwhelming. Making changes in your diet should be done slowly, as your body needs time to adjust to new eating habits.

Mental Health Precedes Everything!

This may be the most ignored part of becoming comfortable in your skin. People do not realize that, at times, what you see on screen is a product of excessive lighting, makeup, touch-ups, and acting. This usually conveys an unhealthy body image to the masses who then try to replicate such an impossible standard, thereby destroying their mental health in the process.

No matter what you do, you must realize that setting unrealistic goals for yourself is not going to help with your body image issues. It is essential to give yourself breathing space and follow healthy practices that promote realistic body expectations, otherwise, you can end up with eating disorders, amongst other psychological issues. Don’t fall victim to this. If you are too bothered by thoughts about your body, consider visiting a therapist. Remember, if you feel confident, only then will it radiate from your body language. So, don’t let negative thoughts get to you. 

Investing In Yourself

Try to invest in yourself. Buy things that make you happy and make you feel good about yourself. Like shoes with a heightened insole, which can give you a tall and confident look. Add to your wardrobe, as your clothes represent how you are feeling.

Wear bright colours when you feel all sunny. Try pastels when you want a supermodel look. You can experiment as much with clothes as you like. Modify them to make yourself feel and look confident. Of course, all of this is optional, but when you spend money on your well-being, you feel empowered. And that empowerment generates confidence. Try it out.

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You need to start with your thoughts. You are never going to feel welcome inside your own body as long as you consider it inferior. Accept and embrace yourself. Make efforts to modify and change your body on a healthier spectrum, and above all, try to set realistic and achievable body goals for yourself. Give yourself a chance and see how you bloom with confidence and beauty within days.