Disability Motorsport
Disability Motorsport
Resorts and Retreats Awards 2020
Best Accessible Tourism Charity – Scotland
Disability Motorsport Scotland was set up as a charity in 2016 as the first charity in Scotland to offer motorsport to disabled people. The first steps were to allow people who have a disability and hold a valid driving license to have a driving experience in a track prepared car. If the person doesn’t hold a driving license, we can offer passenger laps. We run this activity at least monthly between April and October. Since we began, we have steadily increased our numbers. We had 6 people per event and by the end of last year we were sitting at almost 20 people per event. Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 restrictions we have not been able to hold anything this year which still incurs cost to the charity for insurance, storage and minimum maintenance. For your first time it is free when you return, we ask for a minimum donation of £25 per visit to help us cover some of the costs.
What we need is support from volunteers and financial support to help us increase our numbers and give more opportunity to disabled people. One of our main targets for next year is to get one of our trustees who is blind behind the wheel and drive on track. Our ambition for the future is to get an all ability race team entered in against non-disabled entrants. For further information email us at [email protected] or follows us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/disabilitymotorsportscotland
If you wish to make a donation to the charity you can donate through Virgin Money at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1016400