
We spend a lot of our time at home, which means we have more control over the ways in which we can protect and preserve the environment. Here are some eco-friendly habits to change in your home life so that you can reduce your eco-footprint and help the planet be a better place.


Eat Less Meat

Eating less red meat or even not eating it at all is so beneficial for your health and the well-being of our environment. Red meat is usually the most resource-intensive to produce and livestock production is one of the largest causes of climate change. Habits that can make all the difference. 

It may feel like a small step, but when done on a global scale it would significantly lessen the environmental damage. While this may not be so easy to start at first, you can start by reducing your intake from 7 days to eating it only for three days.


Replace Wood/Plastic with Bamboo

There is a growing movement to switch out anything made from wood/plastic with bamboo. Bamboo is a renewable plant resource that is rapidly growing in popularity. This unique plant can grow up to 30 -100mm (1-4 in) per day which means it can be harvested and converted into heavy-duty materials that are lighter weight, less expensive, and more eco-friendly than those made from wood/plastic. 

It is clear why this material is garnering more and more attention from green companies such as Nike and Adidas, as well as homeowners around the globe.


Clean with Natural Cleaning Products

Many people are interested in adopting more eco-friendly habits. One of the easiest ways to do so is with household cleaning products. There are many natural ingredients you can use to clean your home, including eco-friendly soap nuts, vinegar, and baking soda and the best thing about these products is, they are much better for the environment than their chemical counterparts.


Invest in Some Greenery

The simplest thing you can do to instantly make your home greener is to buy some house plants. Houseplants are amazing environmentally-friendly additions to any household because they bring incredible benefits, not only to the health of your home but to the health and happiness of yourself as well. Everyone loves a bit of greenery to look at and it can work wonders for your mental health to surround yourself with some nice-looking indoor plants. It doesn’t have to be anything big or fancy, even a couple of small plants on your windowsill or below your bookshelf will do.


Manage Your Waste Responsibly

To preserve the environment, we can start to reduce waste and recycle. For one, we can all be mindful of where and how our trash is generated. We should also be responsible for the way that we collect, transport, and dispose of our trash. Although many people believe that recycling efforts are done in vain, it is still an important part of reducing waste being turned into landfills.


Make Sure Your Electronics are Completely Turned Off When Not in Use

This small habit can make a huge difference, both in your monthly electric bill and the reduction of your electrical usage. Many times we leave our televisions, computers and other electronics plugged in when we are not using them. These electronics consume electricity even when they’re turned off and in standby mode. The easiest way to save money and charge your electronics less is to unplug all electronics when you’re not using them. By unplugging your television and computers, you could save up to $2000 per year.


Save Fuel

They say good things come in small packages and a lot of the time that’s true. It’s also true when it comes to the amount of fuel you can save just by riding your bike to work, switching off lights when you leave a room, or adjusting the thermostat so your heating/air conditioning unit isn’t working so hard. These are all incredibly easy eco-friendly habits to adopt in your home and can have a huge impact on your carbon footprint over time.


Reduce Light Pollution at Home

Light pollution is the adverse effect of artificial light from street lamps, buildings, offices, and factories on the natural cycle of day and night. Reducing light pollution at home doesn’t have to be difficult. You may not be able to zip over to your neighbors and simply ask them to turn off their lights, but you can do areas that are in your control, which will have a big impact on the world around you.

The behaviors described here are simple to implement and will help you get nearer to leading a more healthy lifestyle. Eco-friendly habits have two advantages: they are good for the environment and they are good for your wallet. So go ahead and make an impact.